Saturday, September 29, 2012


Last year I tried growing a peanut plant and some may remember that while we were away, the squirrels got to it.  This year I decided to give it another try by planting two plants.  The squirrels did manage to eat one of them, but I was able to save the other one.  This weekend it was time to see how many peanuts we had.  I dumped the bin into one of my container gardens and below is what I found.  Now I am supposed to hang them for two weeks, then pull the peanuts off of the plant and dry for another two weeks.


  1. OH WOW! That's actually pretty cool! I had no ideas peanuts would grow here! I'm going to start dressing up as a squirrel and visiting your backyard while you guys are at work! Yum!

  2. I would suggest you make sure that Maple is not in the backyard. She would tear you up! LOL!
