Saturday, September 29, 2012


Last year I tried growing a peanut plant and some may remember that while we were away, the squirrels got to it.  This year I decided to give it another try by planting two plants.  The squirrels did manage to eat one of them, but I was able to save the other one.  This weekend it was time to see how many peanuts we had.  I dumped the bin into one of my container gardens and below is what I found.  Now I am supposed to hang them for two weeks, then pull the peanuts off of the plant and dry for another two weeks.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Perfect Morning

When I spend a productive morning in the kitchen, after trying to stay out of it, I realize how much I love it.  Mary Ann and I have had some success with our diet, but this morning I needed to make a couple of things for a meeting Mary Ann is hosting.  I also had some poblano peppers that I've been wanting to dry.  The weather is changing so I had to bring them in this weekend or I might lose them.  Below are some pictures of cookies I made and the stringing of the peppers.  The peppers aren't as pretty as the ones you might see in New Mexico, but I think it turned out nice.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Foodie on a Diet

Sorry I haven't kept up with regular posting lately.  About a month ago I talked Mary Ann into going on a diet.  I was motivated by looking at photos of past vacations and noticing how I enjoyed looking at myself much more when I looked healthier.  In November we are planning a road trip to the southwest and with a new camera and Mary Ann's new Instagram obsession I felt the need for a 3 month slim down.

We chose Weight Watchers.  I believe I have a good awareness of what foods are good and what foods to avoid.  However, I felt with a little guidance,  and a monetary commitment, we would have more success. We have done well so far, but it hasn't been easy.  As most of you know, I love food. It's been a challenge finding recipes that satisfy my cravings and restaurants that don't blow an entire days points in one side dish.

I've been grateful for the change in weather.  The garden is having a rebirth.  Our squash is starting to bloom and the okra is still giving us a few pieces a week.  The tomatoes are looking better than ever.