Sunday, August 12, 2012


This summer has been a rough one for the garden.  The lack of rain has taken it's toll on all of the vegetation. My favorite crop is the red raspberries I planted 7 years ago.  I started with 20 starters and only 1 survived the first year.  Then they took off and I am usually able to make two batches of jam and 2 or 3 pies with them.  Last year we had too much rain and I only had enough to make a bottle of raspberry infused vodka. This year we haven't had any rain and I think I may have enough to make one pie.  But this weekend we've had some rain, and it might have come just in time to save the second run.  Below is a picture I took this morning.  You can really notice the difference a few days and some rain makes on the plant.

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